People make mistakes; it’s a fact of life. Professionals, like all of us can get things wrong sometimes.
If a professional, like a solicitor makes a mistake in a claim that has caused you a loss then you may be able to sue a solicitor and recover compensation for their professional negligence.
Compensation for professional negligence – No Win No Fee
Have you been let down by a solicitor?
Has your claim been under settled?
Are you a victim of a solicitors mistake that has left you out of pocket?
We are solicitors who are experts at professional negligence claims and can advise you on whether you have a compensation claim against solicitors for professional negligence.
We act on a ‘No Win No Fee’ basis and it will not cost you anything for us to look at your claim.
READ MORE: What is professional negligence?
Professional Negligence Claims against solicitors
Claims mistakes are often made by solicitors firms who use unqualified staff. Typically, your claim is dealt with by a junior paralegal in a team, rather than by a qualified solicitor and you never get the chance to meet who is dealing with your claim.
Those firms often put you under pressure to settle your claim too quickly when your injuries are still not resolved or advise you to settle at a figure you are unhappy with. They often neglect to include items of expense in your claim that you are legally entitled to.
If you have been the victim of a claims mistake by a negligent solicitor and need to sue a lawyer then we can help you recover compensation for professional negligence.
Mistakes by solicitors in claims usually lead to you being entitled to compensation from solicitors but poor service on its own by a solicitor would not amount to professional negligence. To be entitled to professional negligence compensation you must have suffered a financial loss caused by the solicitor’s negligence.
Claim under settled
Many unqualified staff settle claims for less than their true value. If your solicitors gave you negligent advice about settling then you may be entitled to compensation for professional negligence.
Personal injury claim settled without a medical report
It is usually a mistake to settle a claim without a medical report. Insurance companies like to offer an upfront payment to tempt injured people into settling their claims too early by making a pre-medical offer. If your solicitors did not advise you against this or did not advise you about how to obtain an interim payment without settling your claim too early, then you may have a compensation claim for professional negligence.
Still in pain after claim has settled
Are you still in pain after your personal injury claim has been settled? If so, then your solicitors may have been negligent by not advising you to wait until your pain resolved or had improved further, before settling your claim. You may be able to sue a lawyer and have a claim for professional negligence compensation due to their mistake.
Missed deadline for starting court proceedings
If your solicitors missed the date when court proceedings must be issued, which deprived you of making a personal injury claim then you should be entitled to compensation for professional negligence against your negligent solicitors.
Missed a court deadline
If your solicitors missed a court deadline date when action had to be taken, which deprived you of making a personal injury claim then you should be entitled to compensation for professional negligence against your negligent solicitors
Case struck out
If your solicitors dealt with the case in such a way that led to the court striking out the claim, which deprived you of making a personal injury claim then you should be entitled to compensation for professional negligence against your negligent solicitors.
Sued wrong party
Your solicitors may have made a mistake and sued the wrong party. This can happen in particular with industrial disease cases like asbestos claims. It can also happen when businesses share very similar names. If your solicitors sued the wrong party and the time limit for issuing proceedings passed then you should have a claim for professional negligence due to their claims mistake.
Failed to gather proper evidence
Your solicitors may have failed to obtain the correct evidence to support your claim which led to your claim losing. If your solicitors have failed to gather the appropriate evidence then you should have a claim for professional negligence.
Speak to our professional negligence specialist solicitors
If you have suffered due to a claims mistake and want to sue a lawyer then contact us for a free assessment of your professional negligence compensation claim on 0151 480 3666.